Mentors Aljaž Vindiš Koponen+Hildén Office of Displaced Designers Paolo Patelli Servis 8 Workshop participants

Aljaž Vindiš


Aljaž Vindiš (b. 1987) is a Slovene digital product designer and visualization expert, currently employed at 3fs.

Having a mixed background in computer engineering and visual communication has allowed him to explore their overlaps in human-computer interaction and the changing media landscape. He believes that data investigation and user participation are key to developing relevant products and services, as well as creating more informative and engaging content.

Among other things, he used to ran the graphics desk at Dnevnik, Slovenia’s second largest newspaper. They pioneered use of advanced data analysis and visualization methods in Slovene journalism and achieved international recognition in fields of statistics, journalism and design, including Best Map in Show from Malofiej.