Mentors Aljaž Vindiš Koponen+Hildén Office of Displaced Designers Paolo Patelli Servis 8 Workshop participants

Office of Displaced Designers



Who is the city (+ tourism) for?
Facilitators: Office of Displaced Designers (Shareen Elnaschie & Kimberly Pelkofsky)
Topic summary: Who is the City (and tourism) for? is a meta workshop that aims to promote effective communication with communities. Participants of this workshop will consider the role of cultural tourism, what makes an inclusive and diverse city, and how these aspects relate to communication.

>>> Final presentation of the workshop


ODD is an architecture and design organisation that facilitates skills-sharing through multi-disciplinary projects related to and/ or impacting the built environment, protection issues, social cohesion, or cultural understanding. Their studio based in Mytilene on Lesvos (Greece) hosts workshops, classes and events for both displaced persons and locals.

Shareen Elnaschie is an architectural + urban designer and action researcher working at the intersection of international cooperation, sustainable development and humanitarian aid. She has extensive international experience working with marginalised communities on participatory mapping and planning projects and inclusive integration strategies. She has previously tutored architecture and spatial design at Chelsea College of Arts and at the University Foundation Program and is a co-editor of Cities+.

Since co-founding Office of Displaced Designers (ODD), an architecture and design organization facilitating skills sharing which currently operates on the island of Lesvos, she has been training practicing design professionals to develop and deliver workshops to mixed groups of local and displaced persons.

Shareen holds an MSc in International Cooperation: Sustainable Emergency Architecture from Universitat Internacional de Catalunya and a BA(Hons) Architecture (RIBA I) from London Metropolitan University.

Kimberly Pelkofsky is an architectural designer working at the intersection of international cooperation, sustainable development and humanitarian aid. She has extensive international experience devising, implementing, and evaluating community engagement and workforce development strategies for community-led design and construction projects.

Since co-founding Office of Displaced Designers (ODD), an architecture and design organization facilitating skills sharing which currently operates on the island of Lesvos, her work has focused on leading disparate groups of displaced persons to co-create public spaces.

Kimberly holds an MSc in International Cooperation: Sustainable Emergency Architecture from Universitat Internacional de Catalunya and a BS Architecture from SUNY University at Buffalo.