Mentors Aljaž Vindiš Koponen+Hildén Office of Displaced Designers Paolo Patelli Servis 8 Workshop participants




Using data to reveal hidden opportunities and challenges for cultural tourism
Facilitators: Juuso Koponen & Jonatan Hildén (Koponen+Hildén)
Topic summary: A data-driven approach to cultural tourism’s impact on and potential for Ljubljana
The workshop takes a data-driven look at cultural tourism in Ljubljana. Are some cultural attractions inconveniently located in regard to the tourist infrastructure such as hotels, or underserved by transport? How does cultural tourism in Ljubljana compare to other cities in the region and in Europe more generally? Who visits Ljubljana, and who doesn’t? What is the economic and societal impact of cultural tourism? These and many other questions are answerable using data and visual analysis. The participants will look at the data available and what insights can be gained from it, as well as creating a list of potentially useful data sets that are currently not available.

>>> Final presentation of the workshop


Juuso Koponen (b. 1978) and Jonatan Hildén (b. 1983) are information designers and founders of Helsinki-based design studio Koponen+Hildén. They are visiting lecturers in data visualization at Aalto University and other Finnish universities, and, with professor emeritus Tapio Vapaasalo, the authors of Tieto näkyväksi, the first Finnish-language primer on information design and organizers of the annual Visualizing Knowledge conference.

Koponen+Hildén (f. 2014) is a Helsinki-based design studio specializing in data visualization, interactives, data analysis and workshops. Its clients include a wide range of public sector and media organizations, as well as corporations and NGOs; e.g. City of Helsinki, Ministry of Finance, Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, Finnish Centre for Pensions, Aamulehti and Elo.